2nd Division
Pacific Northwest Region NMRA
Serving the following counties:
Oregon: Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Gilliam, Hood River, Jefferson, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Wheeler, Yamhill
Washington: Clark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania, Wahkiakum
The Second Division (2dPNR) of the Pacific Northwest Region of the NMRA exists to support and promote the hobby of scale model railroading within Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington.
Please see the Events page for currently scheduled activies in the 2dPNR area.
Other links on the above menu include local clubs, hobby and train stores, relevant social network links, and other NMRA websites.
The Semaphore is the irregularly published newsletter of the 2dPNR.
The 2dPNR board consists of a Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and four Directors. Additionally, appointed positions such as Secretary & Treasurer are non-voting members of the board. Other appointed positions such as Acheivement Program Manager, Membership Chair, and Program Chair advise the board as needed.
2dPNR supports the NMRA's Achievement Program, which assists in learning crafts and skills in the hobby of model railroading, with the title of Master Model Railroader being earned by those who have accomplished its goals. For more information on the Achievement Program, go to https://www.nmra.org/education/achievement-program
The Golden Semaphore is awarded to members of 2nd Division who have distinguished themselves through service to the Division. Click here to go to list of Golden Semaphore awardees.